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About Us

We use our experience and knowledge from past orders to select the best and most reliable florists from a network of over 15,000 local FTD and Teleflora florists.

Many of the florists we use, we've used for years because they have a proven track record of reliably delivering high quality flowers and keeping our customers satisfied. Anyone can choose a local florist, we use our experience and make it our business to choose the best local florist. It is not in your best interest or ours to use anything but the best local florist.

Our experience and expertise allows us to offer you the best possible online flower shopping at the lowest prices. Most of all we want you to be satisfied and stand behind our products with a knowledgeable staff of professional florists and a 100% satisfaction guarantee. We are a family owned florist and go the extra mile to make sure you get the best product for your money.

Main offices are located in Wilmington, Delaware and Brampton, Ontario and we deliver flowers across the United States and Canada.

This site is created for office in London.

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